Hi, welcome to my website. I am located in Nottinghamshire and currently provide courses and Services to all surrounding counties.

I think like many landscape and wildlife photographers my love of the outdoors came long before I picked up a camera. Indeed in my younger years I was always more interested in training in the outdoors whether on the bike or running through the woods. For me the camera started to become a massive part of my life with the advent of digital technology, and for me that was a Canon 10d and Sigma 170-500 lens in 2005. I still cannot recall why I ended up buying the camera but my interest exploded when I happened on a Sparrowhawk with a pigeon on the woodland edge. The bird flew off but as it was getting dark I hid the dead pigeon and returned in the dark the following morning. I had little hope she would come back but to my delight she did. I took loads of images and one in particular I fell in love with. She had obviously heard the shutter and had glared down the lens at me. Alas when I viewed the images on the computer they where all out of focus. I was gutted but felt slightly better when I discovered that the sigma lens was set up for film and needed re-chipping for digital. To this day I have not recreated that image.

Over the years I have shot a mixture of wildlife and landscape images, using Canon, Nikon, Sony camera systems. In July 2024 I made the switch back to Nikon with the Z8 and Nikon Z50. I now also use Vanguard bags and tripods exclusively being an Ambassador for the brand. I find them to be innovative and hard wearing as well as reasonably priced. I still consider wildlife to be the toughest discipline, after all you can cover all the variables in your power but if at the end of the day the animal decides not to turn up you can only leave with an empty field. I find that you can almost always leave with a good landscape shot as you can switch between so many techniques to play to the conditions. I currently shoot wildlife, macro and landscape photography. The best way to keep up with my photography adventures and interact is through my Youtube channel with over four thousand subscribers, I try to answer all comments! Over the years my photography interests have expanded which has enabled me to supply other areas of the photography marketplace. Originally I supplied stock libraries with images and I still provide images to Getty and Alamy. Having a small home studio has also allowed me to take on product photography commissions and this year I started to pass on my knowledge  by providing one to one photography sessions for aspiring digital photographers. I am also available to talk to groups such as camera clubs when time permits. As always feel free to contact me if you are interested in any of the above.

And away from photography, I have been married to Mel for 34 years! With our daughter Leia now completing a PHD at Aberdeen University, providing me a base in the North! and an accomplished photographer herself. New rescue dog Luna also keeps us on our toes.


As for the future, obviously more photography! I simply love it. I also continue to cycle and run although the swimming and triathlons may not come back on the agenda. Oh, and I should not forget the odd gig. My first Donington (as it was called then) was in 1983! But after leading Leia down the same music path we made the pilgrimage to Download 2016.

2024 has really seen the workshops and one to one sessions I provide take off and has kept me exceptionally busy. I hope to add to this program in the next few years. If you would like to join me for any of these head over to the courses and workshops page where you can book online, or drop me an email.

I can also confirm that we expect to make a move northwards in the next 18 months which will mean courses also relocating! News on that later!

I'll see you in the mountains, on the trails or maybe in the crowds...