Watch My Little Owls Return After a Year-Long Disappearance!

he little owl is in decline in the UK and last year I found my last remaining site that had always been reliable for little owls empty. This year I decided to head back early in the season hoping that the owls where back. I was hoping that this site if active will provide me with a good location to photograph the owls as we move through the spring and early summer. Find out how I got on in this video.

How to Plan for the Perfect Wildlife Photo!

When you want to take your wildlife photography to the next level you soon find that a hit and hope approach very rarely works. Sue there are occasions when you are just in the right place at the right time but this is rare. Usually the perfect image is proceeded by hours of preperation work to ensure you give yourself the best chance of grabbing that shot. In this video I am again up in Aberdeenshire for a short four day visit and instead of employing a lets just head out and see what happens I chose to scout out a location for a later visit. Strangely I don't get what I expected but potentially the chance of something much better.

A Beginner's Guide to Wildlife Photography: Understanding Tracks and Signs

n this video I visit a new woodland site and spend a couple of hours looking for the tracks and signs of the animals that live there. Developing these skills is essential if you want to become a successful wildlife photographer. Please let me know in the comments below if you would like me to produce more videos like this in greater detail for each individual species. Thanks for watching!

Landscape Photography Finding your own Images

In this video I headed out to a popular location in Aberdeenshire, the Muir of Dinnet National Nature Reserve with the intention of photographing many of the well photographed locations located here. To be honest the weather conditions and heavy rain and snow over the previous weeks did not give me any encouragement for producing any stunning images. As it turned out the images from these locations where just OK. However we didn't really care as after making a wrong turn and taking a secluded path we came upon some real magic, hardly ever photographed. The moral of the story get off that well worn track, explore and adventure and you may find that hidden gem just around the next corner!

I'm Having a Shocker - Where Has All the Wildlife Gone?

I can't believe how hard the last five weeks have been for me with regard to wildlife photography. Over the Christmas and new Year period I have tried numerous occasions to get some good wildlife images but it just seemed that the harder I tried and the more planning I did the worse it got. This video was my final attempt to get some content and I have to say nature kept me waiting right until the end. In the end she came through and I was just so glad i kept at it. As always like and share the video! Thanks for your support in 2022.

Check out my Youtube Channel Below for more Videos!

Can I Finally Be A Fan of Wildlife Viewing Hides After All?

I have never been a big fan of the wildlife viewing hides on nature reserves and have tended to largely steer clear of them. In this video I take the plunge and head back to some reserve hides and explain what issues I have with them and see if I can overcome these issues to produce some decent images. Watch and find out how I get on at Blacktoft Sands Nature reserve.