Macro Photography Workshop


Due to popular request and to run alongside the One to One macro sessions I run I will be holding a series of macro photography workshops throughout the summer. The second will be held on Saturday 3rd August 2019. This will consist of a full day session limited to five people. The workshop will take place at the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trusts Idle Valley Nature reserve. This site provides a good mix of habitats and good facilities at the visitors centre.


Ideally you will have a dedicated macro lens for this session although you can also work with standard lenses that have a macro capability. Please email me or phone if you want more information. I generally don’t work with flash setups preferring natural light although I can give advice on this and do occasionally use flash if conditions require it.

We will meet up at the nature reserve at approximately 9:30 for a 10am start and the workshop will conclude at approx 4pm. A short questionnaire along with detailed information on what to bring and how to get there will be sent out before they day when you have booked on the workshop. I look forward to seeing you there.

Because this is a group session the cost for the whole day is £40.

You can book online below, please feel free to contact me if you require further information.

Hello, World!
