Photography Courses Update (Covid 19)

Finally after over a year of not taking bookings for my photography courses and 1-2-1 days I think it’s now safe to begin running some of them again.

Initially I am now taking bookings for 1-2-1 sessions for beginners, landscape photography and wildlife photography. To do this safely I will be wearing a mask throughout the day and also taking precautions with the use of hand sanitizers etc. I think by doing it this way and not looking to run group sessions pulling in many people from different areas we are staying within the rules and I can still offer an enjoyable day allowing the client to learn in a one to one environment. If you are interested please book in the normal way through this website. If you have other requirements please contact me via email, through the contact form on this website or via my mobile 07791426742. I look forward to seeing you.

Digital SLR and Kit Lens Introduction Day


Following on from my one to one courses on Landscape and Macro photography I have had a number of requests for a basic introduction to digital photography for those of you who may have purchased your first camera and kit lens combination and would like some guidance on what you can achieve with this set up before you move on with kit upgrades etc.

I would always recommend that you spend time using the lens that came with your camera as they are designed to be versatile and allow you to explore many areas of photography and allowing you to develop your own interests and style.


These days will be designed to get you used to the controls of your camera, remember there is no option to use the auto function on these days. Hopefully you will never need to use this option again and can fully unleash your creativity.

I will try and tailor these days around your photography interests so will discuss this with you before the day. I would also be very happy to speak before you book in case there are any conflicts with what you want to shoot and what your kit is capable of. For instance if you have a camera and 18-50mm kit lens and tell me you are interested in shooting small birds in flight I can advise you that this set up is not going to be suitable.

I am trying to keep the cost of these down as I know it can be a struggle when you have just paid out for an expensive camera and lens. As always I am very happy for you to keep in contact after the course if you have any questions after the day or need help in any way.

Cost for six hours tuition £65

You can contact me on 07791426742 or the contact page on this website.

You can also book directly on the calendar below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hello, World!

Summer Macro Workshops


Due to the success of my One 2 One Photography Days I am now able to provide half day sessions on Macro Photography. If you have an interest in the smaller creatures that are often all around us and would love to see them in close up detail then this is the session for you.

Ideally you need a digital SLR or a mirror-less camera and a lens with macro capability. A dedicated macro lens is ideal as this will enable you to get true 1:1 images.


I prefer to work One-2-One with clients and would never work with more than three people at any one time as I prefer to give a client my full attention so that you are not left with gaps in your knowledge at the end of the session.

I have a number of nature reserves in Nottinghamshire that have good opportunities for macro photography throughout the summer months.

Sessions are charged at £30 and you can book on the calendar link below.

Once a session is booked I will contact you to arrange where to meet. Most people prefer to leave there vehicle at my address and travel to the location with me but most arrangements can be catered for.

If you want more information please feel free to email me at or Mob: 07791426742.

All The Best.


If you want more information please feel free to email me at or Mob: 07791426742.

All The Best.
