My new video is now live on Youtube. After a particularly hard week for photography culminating in a six hour blizzard strewn session on Bleaklow in Derbyshire , I put together five tips that I think will help any budding wildlife photographer and realise it’s actually Ok to fail now and then!
Landscape Photography in the Durham Dales (Weardale)
My new vlog is now live on Youtube. This week I spend a couple of hours in the Durham Dales (Weardale) A challenging day where i take images record video and walk the dog!! Follow the direct link below to view and please like the video (if you did!) and subscribe to the channel (it's free you know!👍😄)
Landscape Photography Autumn's Last Leaves
My new Youtube video is now live. Please follow the link below to view. Trying conditions but another fantastic few hours in Hamsterley Forest. Please remember to like the video (if you did!😂) and subscribe. Lets get over 300 subscribers before Christmas!!
Landscape Photography - Intimate Woodland Detail
This week with large scale flooding in the area I manage to get out of the village and head to a local woodland. Now that the last blast of autumn colour is coming to an end I look for more intimate detail on the woodland floor. Watch my latest Youtube Video to find out more.
Landscape Photography - Flooding and capturing those unique images.
My latest Youtube video is now live. This week I take advantage of the flooding of the River Trent behind our house and go looking for some unique images only available to because of this extreme event. Please watch to the end of the video for more images. I would also love it if you like and subscribe to the channel!
Woodland Photography in Hamsterley Forest County Durham
Follow this link to my Youtube channel where you can see my latest video. We spend a productive couple of hours in this wonderful forest in full autumn colour with a fast flowing stream to boot. I would love it if you could visit and subscribe to the channel and help it grow. Just follow the link below, watch, like and Subscribe.