Industrial Light Painting in the Floods

This weeks Youtube video is now live and what a struggle it was this week. Not only lockdown but extensive flooding left all my wildlife sites under several feet of water. I say this as I look out of the window across Lake Carlton. So with few wildlife options I head off in the dark to a somewhat flooded Fledborough Viaduct to try my hand at a little bit of simple light painting. As always like and subscribe.

Lightweight Landscape Photography Kit (Lightening the Load!)

This weeks video is now live on Youtube. This week I go through the equipment I have chosen to allow me to travel extremely lightly with my camera gear. This was essential for my new series where I use the gravel bike to get to locations. However, I realise that this may also be useful for those who may be tired of lugging around tonnes of camera kit which can really take the joy out of the hobby. Let me know in the comments if you use any other lightweight kit that I or others would find useful. As always please give the video a like and subscribe to the channel.

Thanks Scott.

Landscape Photography Clumber Park (On a Bike!)

This weeks video is now live on Youtube. This week I start my new series on Landscape Photography where I reach my location on Gravel Bike! So photography, getting fit and saving the planet in one go! What more could you want. As always like and subscribe if you haven't already. Thanks for watching.

Landscape Photography - Flooding and capturing those unique images.

My latest Youtube video is now live. This week I take advantage of the flooding of the River Trent behind our house and go looking for some unique images only available to because of this extreme event. Please watch to the end of the video for more images. I would also love it if you like and subscribe to the channel!


Talks and Lectures Autumn/Winter 2018/19

For the first time this winter I will be available to provide an hour/ ninety minute long talk on my digital photography journey since 2005. This talk will take you from the reasons I first picked up a digital camera, my many years of shooting wildlife and my recent switch to creating more landscape work. I will also explain my choice of kit including my recent switch to a mirror less system. The talk will be punctuated with some of my favourite images from around the UK and the stories behind them. as always I am happy to take questions on any of my images or photography related issues.


Cost for talks is Ninety Pounds plus 35p per mile travel from Newark on Trent.

Please note I have my own projector which runs through my laptop but a screen would need to be available at the venue.

Dates are booking up fast so please contact me to discuss your requirements. At present I am looking to run the talks from September 2018 to the end of March 2019.

Please feel free to contact me through the website or


Mob: 07791426742